Conferences, seminars, & other professional development opportunities

  • CPA program
    • Even though in the end I didn’t get the authorized hours to complete this program it was still an interesting experience.
      Both in the expectations that the students would put in an extra 20-30hours a week into it on top of their full time employment and the ablism that was inherent in that against those who were differently abled or those with children, or other things in life that required a more flexible environment.
      But also in the intense and interesting problems that students were required to solve analyzing and judging business cases from a variety of viewpoints to find the best solutions.
      The other thing I found interesting in the program was the writing qualifications, in most schooling professors give you a minimum word count, but in this program it was a maximum word count with so much information to cover that most students found it extremely difficult to compress the information into a concise enough format. I found this a refreshing change from having to embellish language as much as possible to meet a minimum word count.
  • Let’s Talk: Unconscious Bias and Consequences
    • This seminar was interesting in how it brought light to the unconscious biases that we all have towards everyone else in our lives, some that we can perceive if we think hard about our actions or about our thoughts, some that we could never see unless someone else points them out to us, and some we or others will probably never notice or will attribute to other causes.
      It also talked about how we need to do our best to counteract these biases in culture as the compound of biases both conscious and unconscious lead to those people being biased against having worse lives than they deserve and depriving society of the viewpoints and attributes that they could bring to it.
  • Dance Play
    • Dance play was meaningful to me in a few ways, introduction to indigenous culture in and of itself was interesting and meaningful and learning some about how they viewed the animals in their ecosystems and how they integrated these animals and their interpretations of those animals’ personalities into their creation stories and mythos of their culture.
      It was also interesting in how they combine their stories with dance and how the physical aspect creates a more intimate connection to the story, and a different more personal connection than would be attained through words alone.